Troubleshoot Guide


Swing Speed Radar Won't Turn On? Try these steps:

Button Boss: Give the single button in the center a firm press for 2-3 seconds.

Battery Check: Fresh batteries make the world go 'round. Replace if needed and ensure proper installation.

Connection Confirmation: Make sure the battery cover is secure and tight.

Double-Check Button Press: Remember, this isn't a light touch radar! It requires a confident push to wake up.

Inaccurate speed readings:

Seeing some crazy digits that don't match your epic swing speed? Don't worry, your radar isn't possessed (probably). These 'running numbers' can sometimes happen due to loose screws, which can occur naturally over time from jostling around in your golf bag or from changes in humidity.

The Screwdown: Grab a screwdriver and let's get handy! Look for the small Phillips head screws on the back of the unit. Gently tighten them just until they're snug, but don't over-do it.

Power Cycle: Give your radar a quick reboot. Turn it off for a few seconds, then press the button again. Now let's see if those numbers come back.

Battery Boost (Optional): Fresh batteries can work wonders. If tightening the screws didn't do the trick, swap in some new ones and try again.

Inaccurate iron speed readings:

Many golfers wrestle with getting accurate readings for their shorter clubs. Unlike drivers, which you place the radar directly behind, irons require a special 45-degree angle setup. This might seem like a small detail, but it makes all the difference. Why? Because your radar uses doppler technology, which bounces its signal off the club to measure speed. That means for irons, it needs a clear view of the back of the clubhead to get a perfect reading.

Think of it like a handshake: Imagine your Swing Speed Radar reaching out to your iron for a high five. By angling it 45 degrees from the tee, you're giving it the perfect angle to grab hold and get a firm grip on your swing speed.

Simple Steps, Accurate Results:

Grab your iron and position the radar at a 45 degree angle behind the tee (see diagram below).

Take your swing and watch those accurate iron speeds roll in!

Bonus Tips for Iron Speed Mastery:

Experiment slightly with the angle: Everyone's swing is unique, so finding your personal sweet spot for the 45-degree tangle might take a little practice.